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I am. I am. Minimalist SEO checklist

Vojtěch Bruk
Author Position

SEO checklists exist in many forms. Abroad, you can take inspiration from Backlink or Ahrefs. In our neck of the woods, there is a checklist dedicated to SEO analysis by Pavel Unger. Personally, however, I wanted to create a simple, unpretentious and useful checklist that will get you results. So I created it. I use…

SEO checklists exist in many forms. Abroad, you can take inspiration from Backlink or Ahrefs. In our neck of the woods, there is a checklist dedicated to SEO analysis by Pavel Unger. Personally, however, I wanted to create a simple, unpretentious and useful checklist that will get you results.

So I created it.

I use it for every article. It’s a Pareto checklist. Do 20% optimization and have 80% of their benefits. Lots of music for little money. That’s the goal. So the list does not attempt to be exhaustive or complete.

This is a healthy minimum.

You can customize and expand it for your industry.

14 SEO requirements for a good article

  1. The article has only one H1 heading
  2. The H1 heading contains the keyword
  3. The keyword is in the url of the article
  4. The keyword is in the metadescription
  5. The keyword is at the beginning of the content
  6. The article contains links to other sites
  7. The article contains links to other articles/pages from the same site
  8. All links are used contextually
  9. No links are repeated
  10. There is an image in the article
  11. All images have the alt attribute filled in, most often with a keyword
  12. Page loads in under 4 seconds on mobile and desktop
  13. The link to the article has been submitted to the Google console (sometimes List)
  14. The article has been added to the Google SERP position tracker

This is my minimalist SEO checklist. I try to follow it for every article and it bears fruit.

There are also a number of comprehensive and often paid SEO checklists, but if you’re starting out, I don’t think one is necessary.

Let me know what experience you have with SEO optimization, or what you would add to the checklist!

About author

Vojtech Bruk

I enjoy exploring things in depth. That's why I write this blog. And I also try to make my clients as much money as possible), that's the second reason.

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