You may be thinking that the format of your url is not important. The main thing is to have good content on the site, right? Right, no.
There are a number of advantages to the correct address format. From clarity and simplicity for the user to SEO.
Let’s take a look at some basic tips and recommendations to help you avoid the biggest mistakes in address format.
1. Keep addresses in “basic format”
In WordPress, you can set the format of addresses under Settings → Permalinks. Click on the “Post Title” format and save your changes at the bottom.

Beware! This is best done before you get into web development. If you already have dozens or hundreds of articles on it, changing the url will lose backlinks, search engine rankings, and may even cause inconsistencies right on the site.
If you do decide to change the url shape (which can often make sense), then it is important to set up redirects from the old addresses to the new ones.
2. The address is short, descriptive, containing a keyword
I try to make sure that every address on my site has all the legs of this tripod.
Let’s take a look at them one by one.
The address is short
Google likes shorter addresses.
Ranking factors study by Backlinko reveals a strong correlation between url length and search engine position.

It is certainly possible to succeed with a long address. But why bother?
Address is descriptive
From the address it should be obvious, or at least possible to guess what the content is about.
Simple and clear. Yet we may find many addresses that do not follow this rule.
Personally, I find this happens most often with content that comes out regularly. For example, I have an address
instead of breaking down what the newsletter was about
Address contains keyword/phrase
This is especially important for SEO. But it also helps with descriptiveness and clarity for the user.
3. The address does not contain the year
You may be thinking that if you are targeting a phrase containing a year, it is a good idea to have the year in the url as well.
Yes and no.
I believe the current year can only help you in the url. Having 2023 in the url is great if the year is 2023. However, in 2024 you have a problem.
So the year becomes more of a handicap for you, as it’s clear that the content is not the most up-to-date.
When you change the year in the url, you will lose backlinks and search engine rankings (although redirecting will partially help). If you don’t change it, the handicap remains.
I would only leave the year in the title, where you can safely change it. I would keep the url the same.
The issue of proper address format is a tricky one. However, the tips above should help you avoid the biggest mistakes.
Let me know in the comments what experience you have with links!