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How to think about social media and make the most of it

Vojtěch Bruk
Author Position

I love mental models. It is the best way to understand something and at the same time know how to apply the acquired knowledge. There are a wide variety of mental models: Naval, Munger,Farnam street... However, I still feel a lack of mental models for specific industries. So today we're going to look at a…

I love mental models. It is the best way to understand something and at the same time know how to apply the acquired knowledge. There are a wide variety of mental models: Naval, Munger,Farnam street

However, I still feel a lack of mental models for specific industries.

So today we’re going to look at a mental model for how to think about social media. Because once you understand one, you understand all…

What are social networks?

Social networks are a party. This is the mental model. This idea is elaborated by its author Russell Brunson in his bookTraffic Secretsbut I’ll try to summarize it here.

Before we get into that, however, I would like to issue an important warning: this advice applies primarily to people who want to makesocial networks to get something – customers, name, reputation… If your goal is just to have fun, you probably won’t need any of the following.

Let’s move on to specific recommendations.

1. People who talk about themselves are annoying

The most popular people at a party are those who entertain the company, make a fuss and in a way kind of fulfill what other people expect from a party.

When someone tells a funny story from a date it’s different than when they talk about their bad knee in a way that others listen to because they would find it rude to leave.

This is the first basic thing: even when you speak for yourself, speak for others.

Have fun. Inspire. Share. And most importantly, ask questions, because people love to answer.

2. Understand the dress code

The opening of an exhibition has different patterns and dynamics than a techno party. In the same way, TikTok has different patterns thanPinterest or Medium.

Understand the dress code.

What is a welcome standard in one place can be a poke in the eye in another. That’s what you want to avoid.

3. A party is not a job

I’ll come see you at the party. I’m gonna start talking about making websites. I’ll pull out a price list and start showing you that the prices aren’t actually that high… Are you still having fun?

I don’t think so.

At best you will leave in annoyance, at worst we will have a minor verbal and maybe even physical confrontation.

Anyway, I’ve come for some business contacts.

Is there an alternative approach?

4. Help and expect nothing in return

Same party, different day. Let’s talk. You’ll tell me you’re selling rubber cookware, but it’s not much lately.

Let me ask you why.

Because people don’t come to your website.

Let me ask you why.

Because they can’t find him.

Next hour we’ll discuss whether you’re using the search console correctly, whether it would be worth setting up a parasite SEO page, whether you’ve checked that people are searching for your stuff the way you would…

You leave with two pages of notes and the enthusiasm that you know how to improve the situation.

Maybe you apply everything yourself, it will work and you will just remember me with pleasure. Maybe the app will struggle and you’ll hear back…

However, the chances of both are drastically higher than if I came to you with a price list.

If it is, why isn’t it?

If it’s effective to behave like a party on social media, why don’t people and companies do it?

Good question. There are two reasons:

  1. A lot of people haven’t tried it and have no idea how much better results a similar approach could give them
  2. Many more people and companies expect nothing from networks (distraction perhaps?) and thus have no need to use them effectively


Personally, I believe that if you don’t use social networks to make money/build a name, there is no need to use them at all (keep messenger).

The negatives outweigh the positives.

But that’s my opinion. And a hypocritical one, because I still use networks where I don’t create any content.

Let me know in the comments what your experience with social media has been.

And good luck at the party!

About author

Vojtech Bruk

I enjoy exploring things in depth. That's why I write this blog. And I also try to make my clients as much money as possible), that's the second reason.

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